I’m excited to launch my first ever eBook entitled The Life Less Ordinary Manifesto and it’s completely free to readers of this blog.
About the Manifesto
I wrote The Life Less Ordinary Manifesto as a call for people to declare their intentions to live life differently – on their terms, not the way others expect.
It’s about knowing when it’s time to make those major life changes, whether moving abroad, changing a job or simply making tweaks to a currently unfulfilled life.
I wanted to create a short eBook based on popular blog posts that showed the challenges you might face in changing your life for the better and how to take those first small steps towards living a life with more fulfilment and purpose.
How to do what you love most. How to be who you want to be. How to find wonder in the world.
What You’ll Learn in the Manifesto
If you are facing difficult decisions and crave change in your own life, then this manifesto is for you. You’ll learn:
- The steps I took to make my own life better and have greater meaning.
- When it is time to make those changes to live a less ordinary life.
- That change won’t be easy but it will be worth it.
- How to take those first steps to turn a dream into reality.
How to Get Your Free Copy
You can get your free copy of The Life Less Ordinary Manifesto by joining my newsletter list in the box below.
Once you confirm your email address, you will receive a private link to your free PDF copy of the manifesto. You’ll also receive future updates from me, again for free, including content you won’t find anywhere on this site.
Of course, I promise to never spam you or give away your details. Never. Ever.
The Ways You Can Help
This manifesto is free and has been downloaded all over the world. If you have also downloaded it, then I want to say thank you.
If you would like to see the manifesto reach more people, please share it among friends, family and within your circle of influence. Post the link on Facebook, email this page URL to a friend, download the eBook and make copies for the people around you.
Most importantly, please tell me what you think. Did you like it? Could you relate to it? Leave a comment here or email me directly using the contact form on this site.
Download Your Free Manifesto Today
Time to change your life? Ready to stop dreaming and start taking action?
Enter your email in the box below to get your FREE copy of my eBook . Once confirmed, I’ll send a PDF straight to your inbox — at no cost to you whatsoever.
Stop dreaming and start taking positive action to change your life – download my free manifesto and learn how to live your own life less ordinary.
I tried leaving my email so that I could join your newsletter list. Your site said my email address was invalid. I then tried using another email address with the same result. Is there a problem with this webpage?
Hi J, I just checked and there doesn’t seem to be a problem. I was able to add your email address and you should get confirmation shortly. Enjoy!
It can be done … it must be done … it had been done! If we fail to conquer ourselves and our challenges, the wold cannot change for the better!
You’ve got it.